PIPEline Conversations 001 – Doris Santoro and MERC on Teacher Demoralization (LIVE)

We have a treat for you! This episode was recorded live at the Philosophy of Education Society’s 2019 Annual Meeting in Richmond, Virginia! To discuss issues of teacher demoralization, we gladly welcome Doris Santoro (Bowdoin College) author of the book, Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay. In addition to Santoro’s philosophical remarks, our panel discussion features Allison Fleming (a teacher from Hanover County Public Schools), Jesse Senechal (Director of the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium and author of Understanding Teacher Morale), and David Naff (Assistant Director of MERC and host of the podcast Abstract). Enjoy!

Episode – 036 Avi Mintz

We are very proud to converse with Avi Mintz (University of Tulsa). Our discussion covers much ground as we engage the concepts of pain/struggle in education and consider what a pluralist approach to the field of philosophy of education might yield. Please find links to the work referenced in this episode here, here, and here.

Episode 035 – Tal Gilead

We welcome Tal Gilead (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) to the program as he discusses economics, happiness, and the role of philosophers in educational scholarship.

Episode 034 – Ben Kotzee

Ben Kotzee (University of Birmingham) sits down with us to discuss issues of epistemology in contemporary philosophical work on education. Among a host of other queries, we consider what constitutes a good thinker, how we might best understand intellectual virtues, and the true value of a formal education. 

Episode 033 – Megan Boler

This month, we converse with Megan Boler (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto). Our discussion covers issues regarding the role of emotions, the democratic possibilities of digital communications, and very much more. This is sure to be an informative and illuminating episode.

Episode 032 – Nicholas Burbules

We begin the year in the wonderful company of Nicholas C. Burbules (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign). In this episode we discuss accidental beginnings and work that bridges philosophical traditions. Additionally, we converse about the nature of dialogue and the role that technology might play within its contours. Please find links to the papers discussed in this interview here, here, here, here, and here.

Episode 031 – Dwight Boyd

We end the year with a rich and fulfilling conversation with Dwight Boyd (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto). In this episode, we discuss links between psychology and philosophy, and a growing dissatisfaction with liberalism. For more, please find your way to his latest book, Becoming of Two Minds about Liberalism.

Episode 029 - Jan Masschelein

We are very fortunate to have Jan Masschelein (University of Leuven) kindly share his thoughts on education's relationship to emancipation, his recollections of the Frankfurt School, the limits of critique, and becoming especially attentive to the subject of one's study amidst uncomfortable circumstances.  Please download his new book, In Defense of the School.

EPISODE 028 - Rene Arcilla

This month, we are treated to a rich conversation with Rene Arcilla (New York University). In our chat, we discuss the meaning of life, the value of friendship, and philosophy for amateurs. Arcilla is Professor of Philosophy of Education and the author of For the Love of Perfection: Richard Rorty and Liberal Education and Mediumism: A Philosophical Reconstruction of Modernism for Existential Learning.

EPISODE 027 – Kal Alston

Kal Alston (Syracuse University) joins us to discuss pushing the boundaries of philosophy of education. We also converse about the necessity of bringing embodied perspectives to one's scholarship and the very special insights made available to the philosopher of education working as a university administrator. To find the chapter mentioned in our conversation, please click here.

EPISODE 026 – Eric Bredo

Eric Bredo (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto) has charted a fulsome path through the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. In this conversation, he shares how these multidisciplinary interests and his pragmatist orientations inform his work on methodology and educational research.

EPISODE 025 – Deborah Kerdeman

Deborah Kerdeman (University of Washington) provides us with a stimulating account of an "accidental" entry into work in philosophy of education. In this conversation, we discuss the role of the social sciences, hermeneutic studies of identity, and the very familiar (and profound) feeling of "being pulled up short".

EPISODE 023 – Frank Margonis

Frank Margonis (University of Utah) joins the conversation and provides commentary on traditions of knowledge and the place of the philosopher in education. Key to his remarks are the importance of respect and resisting neocoloniality in the study of education.

EPISODE 022 – Leonard J. Waks

Leonard J Waks (Temple University) speaks with us about scholarship motivated by enduring emotions. Through this conversation, Waks details the often unexpected and circuitous shape of an academic career.

EPISODE 021 – Cris Mayo

We are delighted to converse with Cris Mayo (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) about intersectionality, identity, and the flexible interests of philosophy of education. Our discussion turns to the challenges and opportunities of educational work across difference and over time.

Episode 020 – Michael Merry

We start the new year with a terrifically thoughtful interview with Michael Merry (University of Amsterdam). In our conversation, we explore the value of an outsider's perspective in philosophical work in education – especially as this vantage point enables a wider-than-average scope of interdisciplinary inquiry.  For more information on his scholarship, please access his work here.

Episode 019 – Harvey Siegel

We end the year on a high note by presenting a wonderfully provocative conversation with Harvey Siegel (University of Miami). Through remarks on his long-standing commitments to epistemic rationality, a strong case is made for serious philosophical training in the field of philosophy of education. Graduate students may find these comments especially motivating in their studies.